Welcome to Ffdev!

July 16, 2002

Welcome to the new home of ffdev!  For now, I have put up a 'temporary' webpage, so at least there's something here.  The cvs repository import request went in today, so it'll be a bit before it's publicly available.  As noted in the project description, ffdev is a suite of (small) programs written in C and Perl for generating force fields (interaction potentials) for atomistic simulation from ab initio data.  The original submission (which I just put in) was the culmination of my PhD research at the University of Colorado, Boulder , where I finished my doctorate on May 31st (I worked with Dr. Walba and Dr. Glaser ).  I will be actively employed at the university while I wrap up some loose ends (including some cleaning up of the existing code).  For those interested in becoming involved in the project, please contact me.  Unfortunately, the project's original design was done by an organic chemist (me) :P, and much of it is not well written for portability, as it depends on the specific ab initio program and network interaction I had access to while working on it.  Despite this, I did my best to provide a mechanism for cross platform compiling of the C portions of the software.  Additionally, where applicable, I tried to separate interfaces to ab initio software, queing software, etc., so new modules can be written and imported as needed.  For basic background information, feel free to read my thesis, in either manuscript format , or a format suitable for 2 sided copying and binding (A word of warning:  These files contain graphics and are around 2MB each).  Also, I'd like to distribute an abridged iso of my supplementary materials CD (which has all of the directory structure necessary to do a test run on most SysV *NIX systems), but it's nearly 200 MB.  For now, I'm not set up to store this much anywhere, if you can help, please contact me.

July 17, 2002

Ok, so I forgot a couple of things yesterday.  Mainly, there is a sourceforge page for the project.  I haven't quite worked out everything that sourceforge offers, but I'll do my best to get the related things setup as I work them out, and start actively developing it again (should be within the next week).  That's it for today, short, sweet, and simple.

July 23, 2002

So the actual starting on developing appears to be delayed.  I'm still waiting on the CVS respository import, though I'm not about to be upset with it taking time, as there's plenty of other stuff to do.  I'm nearly finished with wrapping up my thesis printing, and the other red tape that happens after once actually finishes their degree.  I'll probably not start working in earnest on the actual coding for the project until the repository is imported, but the next few steps do deserve some planning before working on them, so I can take the time for that.  Among the work to be done in the immediate future is to write some geometry manipulation routines, as it's been requested that I do the torsion scans on the fragments starting from their 'most symmetric' structure (a difficult task, but not impossible).

August 6, 2002

I have decided (just today) that it's important I update this journal at least semi-frequently.  I would like very much to be able to work on some of the portions of ffdev, but it's odd how life interferes with us sometimes.  Due to some family issues, I will be making a pretty major move by the end of the month.  Compound that with the fact that I don't have a job in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul) yet, and you have a formula for someone who won't be able to work on spare time projects a whole lot.  I still haven't made an initial release of the project, but I'll make a point of having that available within the next week or so.  Remember that the whole project is really pre-alpha, so without continued development, it's unlikely to be helpful unless you 'get your hands dirty' and do some delving of your own.  Regardless, I'm still committed to work on it as time permits.

Questions or comments?  Contact me at radke@users.sourceforge.net .